Disable Gutenberg Block Editor in WordPress 5.0


Hello Friends, Today we will show How we can Disable Gutenberg Block Editor in WordPress 5.0. On 27th November 2018, WordPress 5.0 version released with Gutenberg Block Editor. Gutenberg Editor is a major update in WordPress5.0, that’s the reason Gutenberg Editor set all users as default content editor.

Due to this Administrator unable to edit their posts/pages from other premium builders like Visual Composer, Divi Builder, and Muffin Builder because  WordPress version 5.0 replaced classic builders to Gutenberg block builder.

So today we will see that how we can resolve this and make website administrator easily to work on their premium builders. Let’s follow below steps.

First, let me show you how your editor sees before and after WordPress 5.0, see below screenshots:

Editor before WordPress5.0
Editor after WordPress5.0

Below are the few steps for both administrators who updated WP version 5.0 or not.

STEP 1: If WordPress 5.0 already updated, then open WordPress about page www.yourdomain.com/wp-admin/about.php(make sure to change your website name instead of yourdomain).

STEP 2: On WordPress about page, scroll till bottom. You will see a button Install the Classic Editor, hit the button to install.



You can see that 1+ Million installations already did. See screenshot…

STEP 3: Once Classic Editor installed, click Activate button. So it will prevent to use Block/Gutenberg Editor.

STEP 4: Once Classic Editor activated in WordPress 5.0, you can now easily access your premium builders.

STEP 5: We can also set default Editor to the users, this option only available if you have multiple Editors. For this, we have to go:
Go to Settings >> Writing and select your default Editor and hit Save Changes button. See screenshot…

If you guys follow these steps, you will definitely be able to prevent Gutenberg Editor and easily access your premium builders/editors. Please let me know through your comments if this article helps you. Keep learning.



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