4 Vital Monthly WordPress Maintenance Tasks

wordpress maintenance

Hello, Friends today we will learn about 4 Vital Monthly WordPress Maintenance tasks which we need to do regularly. But first, we need to understand why WordPress maintenance is important. We think that once our  WordPress website is completed and live our work is over, but that’s not true.

If we neglect to maintain the WordPress site then you will see the below results :

  • Security vulnerabilities
  • Page loading time will increase
  • Bad user experience
  • Loose search engine ranking


Let’s see what are the WordPress maintenance services, so we keep a WordPress site running smooth:

  • WordPress Site Backup
  • WordPress Updates
  • Theme & Plugin Updates
  • WordPress Security

We can extend WordPress maintenance in some other areas such as adding new content, updating existing content, comments moderation, spam cleanup and many more…

Let’s explore all above points one by one

WordPress Site Backup

Backups are essential to successful WordPress websites and should not be ignored. WordPress doesn’t have any inbuilt feature to take backup from the backend. Both, WordPress files and Database are necessary for the backups, so we can restore it.

There are two ways to take backup of your website, Either from a plugin or take it manually. BackWPup plugin is the best option to take the backup, Using this plugin you can schedule automatic backups and store backups in multiple places such as Dropbox, Amazon S3 and many more, see below screenshot…


Secondly, we can take backup manually. In this method, you can take backup from the Web hosting cPanel. For taking backup of WordPress files, Go to the { File Manager >> Public_html >> your website files }, Compress all files and download it on your local system, you can leave the file on the server as well. For Database, Go to { phpmyadmin >> your Database >> Export } and download it on your local system, please export at least 2-3 times to make sure that full database is downloaded, some time due to internet issue full Database is not downloaded.

Now you are ready to go the second step: WordPress Update.

WordPress Updation

After taking WordPress files & Database backup, now you will ready to update WordPress latest version. While updating WordPress version no need to do anything, WordPress automatically convert your website into Under Maintenance mode, so please keep patience while upgrading. WordPress releases major core updates twice in a year and minors periodically to maintain the security vulnerabilities. Please make sure to delete the readme.txt & License.txt files otherwise, your website hacking chances will increase because these files indicate your website WordPress version.

Plugins & Theme Updation

Once the WordPress version update process is successful, start updating the plugins. Please make sure that you update plugins one by one and in meanwhile keep examining the website. If there is an inactive plugin or if there are any plugins which have no use in the website for that you can delete it. If you guys skip updates and forget to delete unwanted plugin then your website become vulnerable. That’s why it’s important to keep WordPress, theme, and plugins up-to-date and running the latest version.

WordPress Security

Security for your WordPress site is the most critical maintenance service. Especially for WordPress, Security is the area that you should never ignore. So what we do is install a security plugin which secures your website from Malware, Prevent from hackings and many more…

Let’s explore some steps which help us to secure our WordPress website:

  • WordPress core, plugins & themes updated to the latest version.
  • Delete unused plugins & themes.
  • Try to use a strong password for the website administrator.
  • Try to not use ‘admin‘ username for the administrator.
  • Your website should be hosted by a reputed service provider like Godaddy, Hostmonster, Bluehost etc…
  • While installing WordPress, try to change the Database tables prefix like DBTBL02_ or anything that you
    like instead of default prefix wp_
  • Check the File manager in your website hosting and make sure that there are no infected files. If you find any please delete as soon as possible.
  • Enable your website Security Headers


Using WordPress functions we can easily enable automatic update of WordPress. Let see the function…

define( 'WP_AUTO_UPDATE_CORE', true );

WP_AUTO_UPDATE_CORE can be defined with one of three values, each producing a different behavior:

  • Value of true – Development, minor, and major updates are all enabled
  • Value of false – Development, minor, and major updates are all disabled
  • Value of ‘minor’ – Minor updates are enabled, development and major updates are disabled


If you follow above instructions, your website will never get infected from malwares and stay away from vulnerabilities.



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