Hello friends, In my last article we talked about removing WooCommerce billing fields from the checkout page through custom coding. Now you guys are thinking that why I’m telling this because today we will talk about WooCommerce Checkout Field Editor plugin powered by WooCommerce which can help to manage WooCommerce Checkout Fields.
Yes, WooCommerce provides this Checkout Field Editor plugin to their users. So users can easily manage billing, shipping fields in their online store checkout page.
The Editor of checkout field plugin provides with an interface to add, edit, and remove fields which shown on WooCommerce checkout page. Fields can be added and removed from the billing and shipping sections, as well as inserted after these sections next to the standard ‘order notes’.
This Editor supports various custom fields like text, select, date pickers, checkboxes, password, etc. One more thing that Editor provides drag and drop feature through which we can easily change the field positions.
Below are the few screenshots that captured while testing the editor.
If you like this plugin then install it in your website, and please share your feedback on How to Manage WooCommerce Checkout Fields article in the below comment box. Keep learning.