Tag: ftp

Create WordPress Admin User Through FTP

Create WordPress Admin User Through FTP

Hello friends, Today in this article we will read about how we create WordPress admin users through FTP. FTP will help us to create a WordPress Admin User when we don’t have any other access. You can explore our FTP tutorial if FTP(File Transfer Protocol) is a new thing to you. A few days back one of my friends asked me if it is possible to create an admin user without Database or WordPress Admin access. I said Yes, of course, it is possible. Actually, sometimes users forget their username/password or some security plugins locked users. We can also add

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FTP Tutorial

What is FTP? FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is a fast and convenient way to transfer files over the Internet. That’s why many webmasters use FTP for uploading their websites files on their hosting accounts. This tutorial will show you how to use FileZilla to upload your website. FileZilla is a powerful and free software for transferring files over the Internet. FileZilla is a very popular FTP client and is used by webmasters from all over the world. Here you can download FileZilla software. Once you have the FileZilla client downloaded and activated on your computer, enter the domain name in

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